Sport Psychology Tactics - IndyCar Drivers And Mental Training
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Sport Psychology Tactics - IndyCar Drivers And Mental Training

IndyCar racing is one of the most challenging motorsports series for drivers to compete in. Because the performance demands are so intense, IndyCar drivers need to regularly engage in smart mental training strategies to stay ahead of the competition. For this issue of the Training Report I want to review what those strategies are...

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Sport Psychology Tactics - Beat Baseball Yips
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Sport Psychology Tactics - Beat Baseball Yips

Baseball players are frequently trying to find ways to beat the Yips cycle and throw freely again. For this issue of the Training Report I want to discuss what the baseball yips are and how athletes can overcome this mental obstacle…

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Sport Psychology Tactics - Overcome Softball Throwing Yips
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Sport Psychology Tactics - Overcome Softball Throwing Yips

When softball players are unable to perform at their expected capabilities, they are often worried they have the Yips. Because this is such a common issue amongst softball athletes I wanted to take the time to review what softball yips are and how to fix them…

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Sport Psychology Tactics - What Are The Twisties In Gymnastics?
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Sport Psychology Tactics - What Are The Twisties In Gymnastics?

When gymnastics athletes start to freeze before performances or are unable to perform even simple movements, this issue is labeled the Twisties. For this issue of the Training Report I want to review the psychological phenomenon of what the Twisties actually are…

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Sport Psychology Tactics - How To Cure The Golf Yips
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Sport Psychology Tactics - How To Cure The Golf Yips

Many golfers will often ask, what are the yips? Experts will say it’s not in your head and will provide techniques to get rid of the yips in your golf game. However the Yips is a much more complicated issue than it may seem which is why I want to review what the Yips actually are…

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Sport Psychology Tactics - Mental Training For Elite Auto Racers
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Sport Psychology Tactics - Mental Training For Elite Auto Racers

When auto racers want to enhance their mental training, they will often times work with a sport psychologist or an AASP CMPC. For this issue of the Training Report I want to discuss common mental training strategies racecar drivers use to enhance performance and beat the Yips…

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