Mental Health Performance - What Athletes Need To Know Part III. ADHD, Autism & Psychological Performance In Sports
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Mental Health Performance - What Athletes Need To Know Part III. ADHD, Autism & Psychological Performance In Sports

Unfortunately, many coaches and sport psychologists do not have a proper understanding of the strengths that athletes with Autism or ADHD bring with them. For this issue of the Training Report I want to review why athletes with these diagnoses are invaluable members of the sports communities and how they bring many strengths with them…

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Mental Health Performance - Athlete Mental Blocks & The Yips: A Review Of How These Issues Affect Sport Performance
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Mental Health Performance - Athlete Mental Blocks & The Yips: A Review Of How These Issues Affect Sport Performance

I have talked extensively about mental blocks and how prevalent of an issue this is within the world of sports performance. The truth is that the overwhelming majority of the time, mental blocks are the symptoms of deep rooted trauma. For this Training Report I want to re-examine the topic of mental blocks & trauma in sports…

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Mental Health Performance - Neurofeedback, Brainwaves & The Neuropsychology Of Sport Injury
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Mental Health Performance - Neurofeedback, Brainwaves & The Neuropsychology Of Sport Injury

Many athletes are consulting with sport psychologists to address issues surrounding the psychology of sport injury, but most sport psychologists are not focused on approaches that are based in scientific fundamentals of sport injury and trauma. For this Training Report I want to discuss a relatively new application that can help deal with psychological component of sport injury which is known as Neurofeedback.

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Mental Health Performance - Athletes, Stress & Scheduling Energy
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Mental Health Performance - Athletes, Stress & Scheduling Energy

While many athletes have incredible insight into their athletic abilities, sometimes they can underestimate the impact that life stress has on their bodies, and overestimate how much energy they have internally to ‘attack the day’. For this Training Report I want to discuss this issue by exploring what stress is, how it affects the body and how you can manage your energy to deal with stress…

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Mental Health Performance - How PTSD Affects Tactical Athletes & Veterans
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Mental Health Performance - How PTSD Affects Tactical Athletes & Veterans

Many veterans face complex issues that affect their lives in significant ways compared to civilians. One common issue that many veterans face is how to effectively deal with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). For this Training Report I want to take the time to explore the science of PTSD from a neuropsychological perspective, and explain the importance of why trauma needs to be thoroughly explored throughout one’s life…

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Mental Health Performance - Athlete Psychology, Sports Injuries & Chronic Pain
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Mental Health Performance - Athlete Psychology, Sports Injuries & Chronic Pain

Many medical professionals helping athletes rehabilitate sport-related injuries & chronic pain rarely include mental health professionals during the physical rehabilitation process. Because our neuropsychology significantly impacts chronic pain and physical therapy outcomes, I want to explore why we need to use mental health interventions to complete the process of treating physical injuries & chronic pain…

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Mental Health Performance - Cannabinoid-Based Medications, Athletes & Psychological Health Considerations
Benjamin Foodman Benjamin Foodman

Mental Health Performance - Cannabinoid-Based Medications, Athletes & Psychological Health Considerations

There has been a debate within the field of mental health about both the benefits and detrimental aspects involving Cannabinoid-Based Medications (CBMs). Because there are so many different avenues of discussion on this topic, for this Training Report I want to explore the different components of Cannabinoid-Based Medications as well as providing an introduction to the issue of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome…

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